Logico Wages

Logico Wages - Salaries Management

Strong point of Genio Sa products, Logico Wages allows the complete management of employees – from the printing of pay slips to summary accounts AVS, SUVA, salary certificates up to the accounting. The module can be perfectly integrated with all management software supplied to companies.

Logico Wages takes advantage of Swissdec 4.0 Certification and allows the electronic transmission of data to Swiss insurance bodies (AVS, LAINF, LAINFC, IGM and LPP), to the withholding taxes in all 26 cantons and to the Federal Statistical Office, avoiding to fill in several forms.

Logico Wages is a highly performing and user-friendly programme; allows the management of payrolls in multiple languages and available in 11 different types of predefined layouts.

Employee Management

Company Data Management

Wage Generation Management (or Pay Items)

Tax management at Source (IF)

Monthly and summary accounts

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